Class Parents

Class Parents are the backbone of the PTA. Volunteering to be a class parent is a great way to get involved and support our Hillside Community. The teachers and the PTA appreciate your time, dedication, and help.


We understand how hectic life can be, so this year we are offering more support to the volunteers by including more class parents to share in the responsibilities.  Each class will have at least two, but no more than four class parents whose objective is to support the homeroom teacher as she/he sees fit. You will collaboratively work with the other class parents to complete below and any other tasks as they arise:

  • Attend the mandatory Class Parent Orientation in September.
  • Collect parent emails and phone numbers at Back to School Night. Obtain contact information to be used only for PTA communications.
  • Collect class dues in September for parties, teacher gifts, etc.
  • Work with the teacher to plan class parties/events. Solicit and coordinate food items for parties and activities.
  • Attend field trips when needed.
  • Send out emails to parents regarding PTA events and announcements.
  • Work with Faculty Appreciation Week Committee Chair and provide support as needed. (Teacher Appreciation week is in May, 2020)
  • Attend at least two PTA meetings over the course of the school year and provide your class families with updates regarding PTA events.